Investment opportunities with Maven

We enable investors to build wealth and generate income through tax efficient investment in a Venture Capital Trust (VCT), and also by providing sophisticated and high net worth investors with access to deal-by-deal private equity and real estate investment opportunities.

Access Alternative Assets

We specialise in completing investments that provide exposure to entrepreneurial, fast-growing UK companies, and property assets, which provide development gain potential or secure income. Whether you want to grow your wealth, boost your income, invest tax efficiently, or diversify your portfolio we can help you achieve your goals.

Our team has many years' combined experience of investing in the UK SME and property sectors. We have backed a diverse range of innovative, high growth businesses and have also identified, structured and financed real estate projects across the country, offering our investors well-researched and attractive investment opportunities.

Looking to invest?

You can subscribe for investment in our award winning VCTs, or alternatively by joining our exclusive Maven Investor Partner network to gain access to attractive private equity and commercial property opportunities on a deal-by-deal basis.

Forthside PBSA development Stirling

Investing in Property

Gain access to regular opportunities in UK property assets with significant development gain potential, many of which are introduced to Maven off-market.

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an employee of John McGavigan working at one of their factories

Investing in Private Equity

Access professionally appraised private equity opportunities, led by an award winning team, that are generally not available to other investor networks.

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Current VCT Offers

Joint Offers from all four Maven VCTs, providing immediate access to an established portfolio of private and AIM quoted companies, whilst allowing investors to benefit from generous tax incentives.

Invest today

A history of delivering profitable exits

Element Matierals Technology
John McGavigan
Specialist Manufacturing
Incremental Group
IT & Telecoms
Symphonic Software
Security Software
GEV Group
Renewable Energy Services
Education Safeguarding Software

View all

Download the latest edition of our VCT investor magazine


Issue 28

We are delighted to share the latest edition of Maven's VCT investor magazine, Creating Value. It features new investments and exits, as well as news and insights from across the Maven VCT portfolio.

Click here to download

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Already know what you are looking for?

Whether you want to know more about our latest VCT Offer or to speak to one of our team about becoming a Maven Investor Partner, please get in touch.

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